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- REC REGISTRATION | Weatherford Soccer
Registration WSA Player Waitlist Go to Coaching Registration Go to Referee Registration Need help knowing what age group your child is? (click image below for larger view) Spring 2025 season Rec Player Registration is ClOSED U4: $85 U5-U8: $130 U9+: $160 Players must be 3 years old by 12/31/24 Players must have approved birth certificate on their player profile. IMPORTANT NOTE Your player must have a Government issued birth certificate uploaded to their GotSport profile to complete Player Registration and be placed on a team.
- LOCAL TOURNAMENTS | Weatherford Soccer
Upcoming Tournaments Up Up Mail Up Video Up Video Up Mail Up Up Mail KR8iV Tournaments | StormFutbol.com
- FIELD CONDITIONS | Weatherford Soccer
Field Conditions Weather
- FIELD RULES | Weatherford Soccer
Field Rules Please do not litter! Volunteers would like to leave the fields after games just as much as everyone else. Help us keep the fields clean! Please bring your own chairs.
- ACADEMY PLAYERS | Weatherford Soccer
Academy Players Academy Players are TRUE age U7 to U10 players. Academy Players can play on BOTH Academy and Recreational teams. This form is for those Academy players that want to play Academy ONLY. Registration fee for an Academy ONLY player is $50 for 2024/2025; if register in Spring 2025 cost is $25. ALL Academy players are required to upload a player headshot picture under their GotSport player profile. Academy ONLY Player Registration (click here)* * If your player is already registered as a WSA Recreational player , send an email to Weatherfordsoccer@gmail.com requesting link to for Academy RECREATIONAL Player Registration Importan t Academy Registration Information --Each academy playe r must be registered with a North Texas Member Association, and acquire a Member Association registration number. --Players may or may not be on a recreational team, unless required to be on a r ecreational team by their membe r association. --A copy of player’s Birth Certificate is required at time of registration for age verification . - NTSSA Rule 4.1.3 Member Associations will require all players to present proof of age when they register to play for the first time in the Association. Proof of a ge shall consist of a birth certificate or birth registration issued by an appropriate government agency, Board of Health records, passport, alien registration card issued by the United States governm ent, a certificate issued by the Immigration and Naturalization Service attesting to age, a Uniformed Services Identification and Privilege Card (DD Form 1173) issued by the uniformed services of the United States or a certification of an American citizen born abroad issued by the appropriate government agency. Hospital, baptismal or religious certificates will not be accepted. --This form is required for player participation in any NTSSA academy prog ram or tournament. This form must be available at all training and competitions for insurance purposes. No formal contract or written commitment may be signed by or on behalf of the player to commit a player to an academy team. Soccer Academy play is in addition to recreational play. --Players may join any Soccer Academy of their choosing within their age group, and are not required to obtain a release from their NTSSA recreational team to participate on an Academy team. Players must present a form of proof of registration signed by a member association registrar each time they participate with an Academy. --Players may join as many Soccer Academies as they like as long as the Soccer Academy is recognized by a North Texas Soccer Member Youth Association. The Academies may charge a fee to cover expenses in addition to the player’s recreational soccer registration fees. Soccer Academy teams are not considered “registered teams,” and therefore do not have to follow recreational team formation rules. --Soccer Academy teams may not enter NTSSA sanctioned tournaments unless the tournament has specified a “Soccer Academy” bracket. In that event, players must declare which Soccer Academy team they will play with in the tournament and may only play for one team in a tournament. Violation of this rule shall result in sanction against the offending party (coach, assistant coach, manager, parent, or other team representative), which could include suspension from all soccer activities for a period of time. --NTSSA Rule 3.10.3 Player participation in academy competitions does not guarantee playing time and players may move to other academy teams at any time. --Any true age 10U player (2015-2018 birth years only) that chooses to play on a true age 11U competitive team, is NOT permitted to play academy or recreational soccer, making their submitted Academy registration VOID. Need help using GotSport GotSport Help Desk Need help knowing what age group your child is? (click below for larger view) IMPORTANT NOTE In order to register your child, you must have a birth certificate uploaded to your GotSport profile. You will not be allowed to pay if you do not have one uploaded to your account and if you do not pay, your child is not registered and will not be placed on a team. The help desk button can assist you with doing this.
- CONTACT US | Weatherford Soccer
How to Contact us When Contacting WSA... Please send us an email and get back to you as soon as we can. By emailing it will allow us to keep a written record of any & all issues. All issues should be handled through your League Representatives. While many people prefer to go "directly to the top ", you will not find much success there if you have not tried to resolve your issues with your League Representatives FIRST . Please understand that we do not maintain an office with full time staff. All board members are volunteers and have other jobs. Your email will be responded to as soon possible. Email us at: weatherfordsoccer@gmail.com Weatherford Soccer Association P.O. Box 1033 Weatherford, Texas 76086-1033 List of WSA Board Members List of WSA Age Group League Reps Submit Referee Evaluation
- 3B CLOTHING STORE LINK | Weatherford Soccer
WSA Store Partnering with 3B Clothing Purchase your WSA swag here
- COMPETITIVE/ACADEMY | Weatherford Soccer
Competitive/Academy Registration Go to Academy ONLY Registration Go to Competitive Team Registration IMPORTANT NOTE Your player must have a Government issued birth certificate uploaded to their GotSport profile to complete Player Registration and be placed on a team. Need help knowing what age group your child is? (click below for larger view)
- SUPPORT WSA | Weatherford Soccer
Just a few businesses that support WSA! How to become a WSA Business Sponsor See S ponsorship Levels below Questions contact us at Weatherfordsoccer@gmail.com Templates PDF.pdf
- REFEREES | Weatherford Soccer
Referee Registration Interested in Refereeing for WSA this Fall 2024 Season? Referee Registration (click here) Should you have questions, please email us at Weatherfordsoccer@gmail.com
- RESOURCES | Weatherford Soccer
Resources Documents and Forms WSA Bylaws Rules and Regulations WSA Info Sheet WSA Age Specific Rules Fall 2024 Buddy Request Change_100724 Parental Code of Conduct Understanding Soccer Referee Signals Parents Coaches Lil Roos Referee Frequently Asked ?s No Tolerance Policy Player Release Form_NTX_7-20211 Academy Player Reg Form_NTX_6-2022 Guest Player Release_NTX_0520221 Competitive Player Reg Form_NTX_06-28-19 Internation Clearance Request_minors_under 10 International Clearance Request_minor_10 and over
- REFEREES | Weatherford Soccer
Resources for Referees Want to become a Referee? Must be 13 years or older. Must complete online referee courses. Must complete in person referee field clinic. How to register for a Referee Clinic? Click here for instructions Online Courses need to be completed BEFORE in-person Clinic Registration. Order your Referee Uniform Kit here >>>> Already a USSF Certified Referee... Interested in Refereeing for WSA this Fall 2024 Season? WSA Referee Registration Here Should you have questions, please email us at Weatherfordsoccer@gmail.com How to ReCertify as a Referee Texas Assoc of Sports Officials Certified USSF Referee? Over 16 Years Old? Interested in Refereeing High School Soccer games? Join TASO - Tarrant Chapter Tarrant TASO Chapter Important Referee Documents Welcome Referees_Spring2023 Understanding Referee Signals IRS W9 Form Instructions on how to register for a Referee Training Clinic in OMS How much does a WSA Referee get paid?